Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal

By Unknown | At 6:11 PM | Label : | 1 Comments
1.2. Gambar Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal

Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal - Berikut ini saya Posting Cara memperbaiki TV yang Gambarnya bergaris Khususnya kali ini Pada TV Sharp Alexander Slim II.

Seperti Gambar di samping, anda melihat Gambar nya yang nampak Bergaris2 pada bagian bawah layar sehingga gambar tidak FuLL sampai di bawah, Untuk tv model lama biasanya bergaris bagian atas itupun sekitar 10 garis.

Kebetulan TV ini punya teman di kantor, sudah kekerapa minggu  dia mengatakan ada perubahan pada tvnya, kalo pertama hidup ada garis-garis, yah aku bilang, pake ajah dulu,sampe parah, akhirnya 3 hari lalu rusak juga. dia bawa itu tv kerumah.
Pas aku coba nyalahin, wah gambar nampak di tengah kecilll kayaknya sekitar 3 CM, selang kemudian Stanby dengan Led Kedip-kedip. Seperti biasa pasa TV sharp ini berarati Protek. karena ada yg tidak Normal.

Akhirnya Buka Chasingnya, waw IC Verticalnya Meledak..Pecah... waduh kode brapaan itu yah??
sy Periksa lebih seksama, ternyata masih terlihat LA7, ternyata masih ada sedikit banyangan, kira2 IC Vertical Jaman sekarang, Akhirnya Buka Buku Catat harian, Dapet deh. Dia pake LA78041 utnuk Sharp Slim.

 TV ini menggunakan Chassis QPWBFE594WJN1, blok Verticalnya menggunakan 2 Supply VCC. Setelah penggantian IC, tv bisa nyalah kembali, namun Gambarnya Bergaris seperti gambar diatas.
Seperti Pengalaman sebelum2nya ini pengarus ELCO yg haus, akhirnya saya ganti elco untuk Tapis Tegangan + dan - yang mensuply IC vertical, Kemudian TEs tv, Ternyata Hasilnya Normal Kembali.
Saya Coba Ukur Elco tersebut menggunakan ESR meter, Ternyata jarumnya tidak bergerak sama-sekali, Kering too.

Berikut Gambar Blog Verticalnya, yang di tanda lingkaranmerah itulah elco yg saya ganti tadi.

1.2. Gambar Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal

demikianlah cara memperbaiki TV yang rusak pada bagian Vertical, Semoga Bermanfaat

Description: Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Cara Memperbaiki TV Bagian Vertikal

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player

By Unknown | At 8:30 AM | Label : | 1 Comments
Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player

Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player - Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player with cheat enggine,. nice cheat with cheat enggine tools and your line will be longer than the usual, only with cheat enggine and you can very easy to goal your ball in pot,.!!

Tools :

How to Cheat :
1. Open Game
2. Open Cheat Enggine
3. Choose your browser ( Plugin-container.exe / chrome.exe )
4. Scan 0A 2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A A1 value type "Array of byte"
5. Change to 0A 2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A A2
6. and play game

now you can very easy to pot your ball ,.!! :D nice cheat but not permanent !!

Description: Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Cheat Line 8 Pool Multi Player

Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool

By Unknown | At 7:45 AM | Label : | 7 Comments
Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool

Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool - Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool with Cheat Enggine realy work and permanent, hack cue millionare with cheat enggine and more cue or stick Mini Clip 8 pool Multi player, not just millionare but any stick for hack,!!

How to cheat :
1. Open Mini Clip 8 pool Multiplayer
2. Open Cheat Enggine
3. choose your browser
4. you must have "London Strick"

NB : Not Used this cue every you wan to hack Cue

5. See Cue Millionare

NB : you must buy Coin

6. Now,.!! back to cheat enggine and scan 1044 and value type 4byte

7. and move address in left box to under box and change value in to 199

8. and back to Game, and then you must check and used stick "millionare"

after using this cue you must play 1 game or reload the game and see your stick is permanent ^_^

Now you can be a performa in every play 8 pool Multiplayer,.!! ^_^
If you need Code for any stick ?!!

tools :
- Cheat Enggine
- Code Stick

Description: Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Cheat Cue Mini Clip 8 pool

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

ATM EXP Ninja Saga februari 2013

By Unknown | At 3:19 PM | Label : | 19 Comments

ATM EXP Ninja Saga februari 2013

New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update Februari 2013 - New ATM EXP Ninja Saga Update februari 2013, Atm Exp Hack working for level up, cheat atm exp ninja saga easy for use, just put the level you want, and wait delay, so you can level up aoutomatic, the cheat use fiddler tools, and file swf, how to use cheat atm exp ninja saga :

step :
1. Open fiddler
2. Download file Swf and darg file swf to fiddler
3. Don't forget clear cache you browse
4. Open Ninja Saga
5. Go to Headquarters Room
6. If need password you can download password

Tools :
Fiddler (download)

File :
Swf File ( Download )
Pasword : arismyou

Description: ATM EXP Ninja Saga februari 2013
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer : Aris M you
ItemReviewed: ATM EXP Ninja Saga februari 2013

Cheat Velentine Day's 2013

By Unknown | At 8:52 AM | Label : | 0 Comments

Cheat Velentine Day's 2013 - Cheat Velentine Day's 2013, new update,.in event valentine day's For Emblem user can clime free back item, and for free,, nothing clime,. ^_^ ,.!! Now we can battle with new enemy,.!! now cheat using Cheat Enggine,.!!

Battle Mode

in battle mode any 2 part for Emblem user and for free user, if we want to battle we lost 10 stamina,.! and maximum stamina 50 / or 5 battle

enemy in SP (emblem User) // we can get 4 material

enemy for Free User ( can change other enemy / not 1 enemy )

and we can exchange material boss in blacksmith material,.!! in velentine days, reward,!!

Now if you wan to battle with boss,, you can using cheat 1hit kill and cheat dodge,.!!

- Cheat Enggine 2.6


  • Open Cheat Enggine
  • Search your Browser
  • Scan your gold
  • and you get 1 address xxxxxx70
  • add address in under box, change address xxxxxx70 to xxxxxxAC and change value to 99999
  • add address in under box, change address xxxxxx70 to xxxxxxa4 and change value to 300
  • goto valentine day's event and battle boss

now fery fast ang 1 hit kill boss,.!! nice cheat and you get materials and share !!

nice the cheat and you fery fast tu get material and you fast to exchage to get reward material/ item / jutsu / weapon. and back item,.!! Nice cheat!! and Permanent

Description: Cheat Velentine Day's 2013
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Cheat Velentine Day's 2013

Monday, February 4, 2013

Cheat Clan Panel Ninja Saga 2013

By Unknown | At 1:28 PM | Label : | 10 Comments

Cheat Clan Panel Ninja Saga 2013 -  hey guys,.!! now i wan to update cheat clan panel ninja saga 2013, this cheat used fiddler and swf file,. in cheat clan panel we can attack auto,, or auto attack clan , we can drain all stamina, to get any reputation,.!!

how to used cheat
1. open your ninja saga until village
2. open fiddler 2
3. drag and drop file swf
4. clear chache
5. go to academy
6. nice yu can search clan you want attack or attack 10 rank up

- Fiddler2
- SWF File

nice cheat in cheat clan panel and used fiddler2 to used cheat clan panel,and you can the best perform in your clan,!!

Description: Cheat Clan Panel Ninja Saga 2013
Rating: 4.5
Creadit : NScripters
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Cheat Clan Panel Ninja Saga 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Tips To Get FBC Januari 2013

By Ariez Akatsukey | At 5:59 PM | Label : | 3 Comments
Tips To Get FBC Januari 2013

Tips To Get FBC Januari 2013 - hey gan,.!! nih sekarang aku share gmn cara dapetin FBC dengan banyak dan dengan cepat,.^_^ !! langsung ajah nih gan aku kasih tau caranya,.. ^_^,..!!

Sebelumnnya yang belum punya Kepard daftar dan download di sini

Caranya :
1. Registrasi Kepard
2. Download Kepard
3. Instal Kepard
4. Connect to USA And Choose IP server 1
5. Go to Game Draw My Thing

6. Klick Watch&Earn
7. dan kamu akan mendapat tampilan baru 

8. Kemudian Klick Kanan dan pilih VIEW PAGE SOURCE
9. maka kamu akan dapat tampilan / tab baru seperti ini

10. Kemudian cari Script http://trialpay ,... klick berulang ulang sampai offer FBC habis, dan jika offer habis maka anda akan mendapat tampilan seperti ini ,.

11. kemudian kembali ke No.7 dan klick kanan dan pilih Reload Frame
12. maka anda akan mendapatkan video baru
13. ulangi cara itu campai Offer habis

nah begitulah cara saya mendapatkan FBC dengan banyak cepat,.!! saya sudah mencoba berkali kali cara tersebut dan berhasil no benned,.!!

NB :
 Jangan keburu di close dulu tapi buka kepard dan ganti IP selanjutnya yaitu pilih IP server 2,. lakukan cara di atas sampai offer habis,.!! Selamat mencoba ^_^

Description: Tips To Get FBC Januari 2013
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: ArisMyou
ItemReviewed: Tips To Get FBC Januari 2013
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